Rendre notre monde sûr



Our experience regarding High-rises and PAB has been proven by our numerous references. Our services are recognised for their quality. For the best possible satisfaction of customer requirements, we rely on our specialized training center’s expertise (CECYS). It provides our personnel high-quality training, recycled when needed.

Our services 

  • SSIAP (Fire safety and persons assistance service) services in high-rises and public-access buildings (PAB)
  • SSIAP 3 service : assistance or full responsibility
  • SSI coordination
  •  Safety representative
  • Audit, redaction and update of procedures and instructions
  • Resident training and evacuation exercices

Fire safety in industrial and tertiary sectors

In these sectors, we ensure fire risk prevention and persons assistance following rules and regulations. When these services are deployed in industrial environments (production plants, research facilities, logistic platforms, storage areas), we are potentially led to set up important material resources for the intervention.

Our missions

  • Implementation of fire prevention and fire safety teams
  • Follow up on control and maintenance obligations
  • Local staff security and fire safety training
  • Material resources suply for interventions
  • Fire intervention
  • Emergency care organisation
  • Alert and guidance of intervention teams
  • Public evacuation
  • Assistance to persons
  • Fire safety central station exploitation
  • Hot spots surveillance
  • First level surveillance and maintenance of fire safety resources

First-aid and persons assistance

In the absence of fire-safety services, we can ensure first-aid and persons assistance missions.

Our agents intervene in conjunction with the existing internal medical service. They provide fist-aid until the victim is handled by official services : protection, clearing of the respiratory tract, lateral security position, ventilation, cardiac massage, casualty carry, burn and wound treatment,  stoppage of the flow of blood, etc. We also provide the needed material resources : first-aid kit, intervention backpack, oxygenotherapy, casualty carry means, etc.

Our suveillance and security agents all have first-aid certification (SST PSC1). Their training can be completed until all the fist-aid qualifications are obtained (PSE1 , PSE2 ).